Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Reinventing the Technology of Human Accomplishment: Management 2.0

By Ernie A. Cevallos

Watch how Gary Hamel,  management thinker extraordinaire , makes the case for reinventing management for the 21st century in this idea packed 15-minute video essay. For the first time in over 100 years, we have a viable alternative to the old management model built to maximize standardization, specialization, hierarchy, control, and shareholder interests.

Due to progress, social change,  and the exponential growth of the Internet we can envision companies that are large but not bureaucratic, that are focused but not myopic, that are specialized but not balkanized, that are efficient but not inflexible and, best of all, that are disciplined but not disempowering. Moving from management 1.0 to management 2.0 means transplanting the Web's DNA into organizations, or in other words applying the interwoven values of transparency, collaboration, meritocracy, openness, community, and self-determination.

Hammel argues that  the values driving our institutions today such as zero-sum thinking, profit-obsession, short-term results, power, conformance, control and command, hierarchy, and obedience don’t stand a chance against the management 2.0 paradigm. The time is now to rethink how we make corporations adapt and succeed in a sea of changes, challenges, and most of all opportunities.


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